Viewing and Changing Testing Defaults

The Dualer IQ Pro has several global settings, which will change the defaults used by the Dualer IQ Pro Primary and Secondary Inclinometers.

Tests - This is the maximum number of tests to use in test mode. This can be set from 1-20.
Reps - This is the number of repetitions to use for each test. This can be set form 1-6.
Mode - This is the testing mode to use. This can be static, dynamic, or auto-rep.
Static: In static mode, each repetition is started by pressing enter to zero the devices, and then pressing enter a second time to record the measurement and end the rep.
Dynamic: In dynamic mode, each test is zeroed at the beginning of the first rep only, and then motion A is recorded by pressing select, followed by motion B. After motion B is recorded the next rep begins (or the test ends upon completion of the last rep)
Auto-rep: In auto-rep mode, each test is zeroed at the beginning of the first rep only. The repetitions then automatically progress by moving the inclinometers through the range of motion. The Dualer IQ Pro will keep track of the maximum angle reached for each motion (motion A and motion B) and automatically advance to the next motion or rep when the inclinometers near the zero point. In this mode, passing 10 degrees from the zero point will start the motion, dropping 10 degrees from the maximum point in the motion will capture the measurement, and dropping below 7 degrees from the zero point will end the current motion.
Sound On/Sound Off - This toggles the sound on and off.
Info - This displays the firmware revision, battery voltage, and user calibration information.
Calibrate - This puts the Dualer IQ Pro into user calibration mode.
Restore - This overwrites user calibration data with factory calibration data.
Clear Tests - This deletes all saved test data.