Refer to this help section when a severe slowdown is experienced when entering the "NIOSH Static Lift" section of Tracker™ Version 4, which persists for several seconds before being able to view that screen or access specific NIOSH lift tests. 

This issue is caused by a feature in Tracker which reports the last test date for a given NIOSH test.  If the database becomes extremely large, the software must spend extra time sorting through the entire database to determine the most recent test date for each NIOSH test.

This feature has the option to be disabled in Tracker Version 4.51.07 OR LATER.  

Access the Tracker 4.51 configuration file by clicking the Start menu in Windows, then choose "Run" and type TRACKME.INI in the "Open" field.

The user must add a line to the TRACKME.INI file under the [Admin] section which reads as follows:


This will disable the "Last Tested" feature in the Tracker Version 4 software for NIOSH lifting.