Your Tracker™ system has the ability to display Multimedia Help Videos for several types of tests. Due to the size of the videos, it is recommended that the CD be used for video playback.
To set up your Help CD directly on the computer, please follow these steps.
Caution: This procedure requires direct modification of the contents of your computer's hard drive and involves the editing of core Tracker files. This is not recommended if you do not feel confident performing such procedures without causing problems for your Tracker installation.
- Create a special folder to store the contents of the Help CD. We recommend that this folder be separate from your Tracker installation folder in case you need to reinstall Tracker at any point. This folder can have any name, but we recommend that it be kept short and contain no spaces or special characters (e.g. "C:\HELPCD"). You may further subdivide this folder if you own multiple Help CDs (e.g. "C:\HELPCD\ROM" vs. "C:\HELPCD\MMT", etc.).
- Using "My Computer" or "Windows Explorer" browse to the contents of the Help CD.
- From the main menu choose "Edit," and then "Select All."
- From the main menu choose "Edit," and then "Copy to Folder." A dialog will appear for you to browse to the folder you created in Step 1. Press the "Copy" button and the process of copying the files will begin. This may take several minutes depending on the speed of your computer.
- Using "My Computer" or "Windows Explorer" browse to the Windows installation folder (typically C:\WINDOWS or C:\WINNT) and double-click on the TRACKME.INI file. It should open in Notepad.
- The TRACKME.INI file is subdivided into several sections. Information for the help videos is located in 4 different subsections. [JVHELPROM] for Range of Motion, [JVHELPMM] for Muscle Testing, [JVHELPISO] for Isometric Muscle Testing, and [JVHELPFCE] for FCE. Locate the appropriate section for the help videos you are choosing to copy to your hard drive. Directly under the section heading add a new line by pressing the key on your keyboard.
- On the new line that you created, type MediaPath= and then the full path for the folder which contains the .AVI files copied from the Help CD.
- Close the file and choose to save changes if prompted.
The help videos that were copied should now play directly from your hard drive. If you continue to have problems playing the help videos from the hard drive, please contact JTECH Medical's Technical Support.