The Tracker™ Version 5 installation CD includes a folder which contains software licensed for redistribution. The software is located in the "Extras" folder.
1) Navigate to the Tracker 5 installation CD
2) Navigate to the "Extras" folder
3 a) Navigate to "DirectX 9.0"
b) Run the file "DXSETUP.EXE"
c) Follow the prompts to install Microsoft DirectX 9.0
4 a) Navigate to "Windows Media Player"
b) Navigate to "98_ME_2000"
c) Run the file "MPSETUP.EXE"
d) Follow the prompts to install Windows Media Player 9
5) Close all windows, run Tracker Version 5, and attempt to view videos again.
1) Navigate to the Tracker 5 installation CD
2) Navigate to the "Extras" folder
3 a) Navigate to "DirectX 9.0"
b) Run the file "DXSETUP.EXE"
c) Follow the prompts to install Microsoft DirectX 9.0
4 a) Navigate to "Windows Media Player"
b) Navigate to "XP"
c) Run the file "MPSETUPXP.EXE"
d) Follow the prompts to install Windows Media Player 10
5) Close all windows, run Tracker Version 5, and attempt to view videos again.