Refer to this help section when you attempt to view one of the manuals included with the Tracker™ Version 5 software, and an error message is received which states:
Error: There is no program available for opening PDF files. Adobe Acrobat Reader must be installed and working in order to view the Tracker manual.
The Tracker software makes use of Windows-default file associations to perform various functions. These functions typically include Narrative Report generation or viewing the PDF manuals included with the software.
If the Tracker software opens an incorrect program (or if no application is launched at all), these default file associations must be changed in Windows.
NOTE: This is not technically a Tracker issue, and the user should be informed that the fix requires modification of Windows files which can affect the performance of their computer in other areas.
1 a) Open Windows Explorer ("My Computer", etc.) and click on the "Tools" menu. Select "Folder Options" from the list.
b) Navigate to the "File Types" tab, and allow the list of file types to populate.
2) Scroll to the file type in question to check for an existing application association to that file type.
3 a) If the application listed is not the application desired by the user, the user may click on that file type and select "Change" to choose a new application
b) If there is no listing for the file type desired, a new one can be created by clicking "New", typing in the appropriate file type (HINT: Use "PDF" for Tracker Manuals or use "RTF" for Narrative Reports) and selecting the proper application.
4) Open the Tracker software and attempt the operation again.