Tracker 5 can print Acute Whiplash Grade and Treatment guidelines in your narrative reports.
To do this, proceed to the Analyze Data section of the software by choosing it at the bottom. Then click the Acute Whiplash button near the top left. This will open Dr. Arthur C. Croft's Acute Whiplash Guidelines. You can use this section to mark items pertinent to the patient to determine the Grade and Treatment Guidelines1. Once you have a Grade and the Treatment Guidelines, return to the reports section of the software. This should then print the Grade, Treatment Guidelines, and Complicating Factors.2
1It is important to stress that the Guidelines are guides to care and not prescriptions for treatment schedules.
2Tracker 5 Narrative reports requires Microsoft Word 2003 or later to format and display reports.
*Dr. Arthur C. Croft's Acute Whiplash Guidelines is only available to users with the Analyze Data module of Tracker 5. If you don't have that module, please contact your JTECH account manager to discuss pricing and options.