Your Tracker™ software uses an encryption system for registration. An error may appear at program launch if the encryption drivers are not running properly.

To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

  • Right-click on the "Tracker Version 5" icon, and choose either
    1. "Open File Location", or
    2. "Properties", then click "Find Target" on the new window that appeared.
  • On the file explorer window, find the file "SETUPEX.EXE" in the list. Right-click on this icon and choose "Create shortcut." A copy of this file will appear, and may be labeled with "shortcut" next to it.
  • Right click on the shortcut file and choose "Properties." On the new window that appears, click into the "Target" field, and hold down the right-arrow key to get to the end of the text field. Add the following: /u /f /d
  • Click "OK."
  • Double-click the shortcut file to run the shortcut. A message may appear:
  • "Uninstall complete. You will need to restart Windows NT for changes to take effect."
  • Click OK on this message and restart your computer.
  • After the computer has restarted, right-click on the "Tracker Version 5" icon, and choose either
    1. "Open File Location", or
    2. "Properties", then click "Find Target" on the new window that appeared.
  • Find the file "SETUPEX.EXE" once again. Be sure this is NOT the shortcut file. Double-click the file to run it.
  • You may see a message stating "The CrypKey License Service Installation is complete."  Press OK
  • Close all windows that were open, and run the Tracker Version 5 software again. The software should no longer show the "PROGRAM MOVED OR SITEKEY BAD PASSWORD" message, but the software may require a new registration key. Otherwise, the software should open to the main menu as always.

If a new registration key is required, please contact JTECH Customer Service at 1-800-985-8324 option# 4 to get assistance with registration.

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