1. Open the Database drop down menu at the top of Tracker and then choose Backup.

2. On the left hand side choose the database that you wish to move.
3. Then choose select path and select the location to save your backup. At the bottom you must enter a name for the database. This will save a file in a XXXXX.t5d file format.
4. Click the save button and then choose OK on the Tracker 5 Backup screen.

5. Choose the Database drop down menu at the top of Tracker and then choose Manage.
6. Click the + button at the Tracker™ Database Manager screen and the Add Database screen appears. Use the following instructions to create a new database:
7. Type a name into the "Name" field.
8. Type in a description (optional).
9. Click the browse button to map a path to the database location.
10. Click "OK" to add the database or "Cancel" to exit without adding the database. 
11. Click No when prompted to transfer certain settings and customizations from one of your other databases.

12. Open the Database drop down menu at the top of Tracker and then choose Restore.
13. On the left hand side choose the database that you just created.

Choosing the incorrect database can cause a permanent loss of data.

14. Then choose select path and select the location of the backup file you previously created. Once you have selected the file you must click Open.
15. Then choose OK on the Tracker 5 Restore screen.

16. Choose the Database drop down menu at the top of Tracker and then choose Manage.
17. Select the database in the original location that you wanted to move and choose the - button.
18. You will be prompted with a warning stating this does not delete the database but simply removes it from Trackers listings.
19. Click OK to remove the database.

Congratulations! You have now created a backup of your database, created a new listing for your new location, restored/copied your data to the new location, and removed the location of your original database from Tracker.

If you have more than one user on this computer you must perform some additional steps for each user to prevent them from modifying the incorrect database:
20. Choose the Database drop down menu at the top of Tracker and then choose Manage.
21. Select the database in the original location that you wanted to move and choose the - button.
22. You will be prompted with a warning stating this does not delete the database but simply removes it from Trackers listings.
23. Click OK to remove the database.

Now that we have removed the incorrect or old listing, we must add the new one:
24. Choose the Database drop down menu at the top of Tracker and then choose Manage.
25. Click the + button at the Tracker™ Database Manager screen and the Add Database screen appears.
26. Click the browse button to map a path to the database location.
27. Select the folder that the database is stored in and choose OK. This should populate the name field with the name of your database.
28. Click "OK" to add the database or "Cancel" to exit without adding the database

Combine two patient databases into one

Move Tracker 5 to a New Computer